I really didn't think I'd be saying goodbye to another one of our cats so soon, from four to two in less than a month. Lucy had not been feeling well lately, stopped eating, and was losing weight quickly. I took her up to our vet clinic in Longmont last night so she could get checked over first thing this morning. We honestly thought it would be something like a bad tooth that made her stop eating, yet this morning we found out that she was in stages of advanced kidney failure. The remedy of giving her fluids under the skin daily was simply not an option. As anti-social as she tended to be, I can only imagine the daily nightmare of dragging her out from under a bed to do that procedure. With a heavy heart, we once again made the difficult decision to put her down.
Lucy, you will be greatly missed. Sure you were a handful most of the time, only taking affection from us on your terms, and wreaking havoc in one form or another, but none of that matters now. Just like Roo who passed before you, you were loved.