
Mighty powerful WiFi!

The wifi signal is quite strong at my house today!

Next event? Aerosmith!

Next event? Aerosmith!
Originally uploaded by tekee812
Next event? Aerosmith!
I must say that I am a bit disappointed with Posterous selling out to Twitter, but at the same time, I am glad to be back here on Blogger!


The best kickoff to the 4th of July is the Avery 4K on the 4th!

Last year, I finished 497th, so I was encouraged by my bib number this year. What a great run Avery puts on every 4th of July! I just wanted to throw this picture up of the sweet ass tech shirt that we got year! They just keep getting better and better, and for me, it is ALL about the shirt!.. Well, in this case, the Avery beer ranks way up there too!